Wednesday 1 May 2013

marking and feedback

Marking often feels like a waste of time. The school marking policy wants constructive feedback  but does all the time you spend writing comments actually have an effect on the pupils? Do you feel like you’re writing the same comment over and over again. You need a feedback strategy. This automated feedback system takes time to set up, but once it is up and running it will do the work for you, generating the feedback comments and prompts for action, saving your time.

choose the question
Choose questions that are straightforward to mark and will be easy to give a constructive comment on how to progress to the next level or grade. Choose something that you will be able to use again to avoid having to go through this process for every class every year.

set up spreadsheet
Add each question or section of marking criteria with the number of marks available into this spreadsheet or one like it.

On the comments tab of the spreadsheet, type a comment for a pupil who achieves each possible mark. This part takes some time but will save you writing similar comments over and over again. Notice on the example that the same comment is used for more than one mark (eg same comment for 0-3 marks)

To increase the effect of your feedback (and to prove that to anyone looking at your books!), make sure the comment includes something for the pupil to do - find the correct answer, write down a definition, apply knowledge to a different situation etc. Then allow 10 minutes during the next lesson for the pupil to carry out those actions.

vlookup command
The example spreadsheet is set up for 4 questions of 10 marks each. If your questions or marking criteria are less than 10 marks, just leave the unnecessary parts of the comments section blank. If you need more than 4 questions or 10 marks, take a few minutes to learn how to use the VLOOKUP command in excel (tutorial). If you need to change the number of marks available for each question on the spreadsheet, you will need to adjust this formula.

feedback template
Set up your own version of this document. To merge the information from your own spreadsheet you will need to :
  • select your list (spreadsheet)
  • select your recipients
  • add the fields from your spreadsheet into your document (question titles)

If you are new to mail merging - have a look at a more detailed guide here

This document gives feedback for each question and something for the pupil to act on, including a space for their response on the page. This is an easy way to flag up progression to anyone flicking through your books.

Setting this up the first time probably takes the same amount of time as it would to write individual comments, but when you arte using it for multiple classes or using it again for the second year you’ll really notice the time saved.

For other examples of the same idea see the two links below (TES account needed):


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